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New books from caboose!
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Montreal, 25 March 2015—caboose is pleased to announce the publication of three new titles in its short essay book series Kino-Agora, along with a revised and expanded edition of a popular earlier title in the series, Jacques Aumont’s Montage, and a new translation of an essential essay by André Bazin.
The new titles in the Kino-Agora series are Mise en scène, by film historian Frank Kessler, Découpage, by caboose proprietor Timothy Barnard, and The New Cinephilia, by popular blogger Girish Shambu. They sell for $5 – $8 ea. on the caboose site with $5 shipping worldwide for 1 – 8 titles in the series. They are also available on Amazon (at slightly higher prices), where The New Cinephilia is also available as an e-book, and in India from the cinephiles at Tokioga. All titles in the Kino-Agora series are available at the reduced price of $4 ea. at this week’s Society for Cinema Studies conference in Montreal.
Girish Shambu’s book The New Cinephilia is also being given away free of charge with every on-line purchase of the caboose volume by Jean-Luc Godard, Introduction to a True History of Cinema and Television, a 558-page record of Godard’s 1978 courses on film history that is earning rave reviews. (Customers may choose either The New Cinephilia or Sarah Kozloff’s The Life of the Author as a free title when purchasing the book by Godard.)
For a limited time, Montage, Découpage and Mise en scène are being offered together on the caboose site for $15, discounted from $22, plus $5 shipping – over 200 pages of first-rate discussions of these essential questions of film aesthetics delivered to customers’ doorsteps for $20 worldwide. In the coming months, these three titles will be bundled together in one volume under the title Montage – Découpage – Mise en scène: Essays on Film Form – but not at this giveaway price, so don’t wait!
The next volume in the Kino-Agora series, scheduled for publication in fall 2015, is The Video Essay: A Critical Companion, edited by Christian Keathley and Jason Mittell. The dramatic evolution of digital media technology over the past two decades has prompted the emergence of a new scholarly form – the video essay. This exciting new volume – featuring contributions from Eric Faden, Catherine Grant, Christian Keathley, Kevin B Lee and Jason Mittell – addresses key issues of how to teach, produce and evaluate this developing form of audio-visual research.
Today caboose is also following up its acclaimed 2009 translation of selections from André Bazin’s seminal What is Cinema? with a new translation of an essential essay by Bazin, a 32-page booklet also entitled Découpage. This text has not been published in its original form in any language since it first appeared in Bazin’s lifetime, in 1952, when it earned a swift rebuttal from a twenty-one-year-old Jean-Luc Godard. The 80-page Kino-Agora volume of the same title, the only book-length study of cinematic découpage in any language, introduces readers to Bazin’s theory of découpage and argues for its importance today.
Copies of Bazin’s Découpage essay will be given away free of charge – one per delegate – at this week’s Society for Cinema Studies conference in Montreal, where caboose will have a table and be selling its books. Additional copies of Bazin’s essay, with notes by translator Timothy Barnard, will be available for purchase for $3 ea.
American and European visitors to the conference will want to make sure to pick up this publication and the handsome cloth edition of What is Cinema?, as neither can be sold in those regions for copyright reasons. The caboose What is Cinema? is the only corrected and annotated edition of these writings in any language and has been described by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, writing in Film Quarterly, as “far more scholarly than the [University of California Press] edition”. It is an essential addition to any film scholar’s or film buff’s library.
If you plan on attending the Montreal conference, please drop by our table and browse our books!
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