Now available in an expanded second edition.
$10 Kindle, 20% off library PDF via Jstor.

Girish Shambu is not only a cinephile but a collector, bringing in discussions from around the world (a world both physical and digital). While he has long been an essential resource on the web, with The New Cinephilia he has written a necessary, compelling and elegant book that takes stock of the state of cinephilia in the twenty-first century, and the conditions that are changing it but also renewing its vitality. Shambu shows that cinephilia is not a solitary activity but one that is—and continues to be—defined with conversation, whether in person, through published texts, or across social media platforms. But most of all Shambu has written a plea for writing: for a new cinephilic and academic writing about film, a writing that is alive to the fascination of moments and to the insights of sustained reflection. This is a book about what it means to be a cinephile right now, what it means to embrace the cinema and to do so within the contemporary world.
— Daniel Morgan, University of Chicago

Read David Hudson’s appreciation of The New Cinephilia as one of the highlights of 2015 on Fandor, Jordan Cronk’s interview with Girish Shambu in the L.A. Review of Books and a review of the book in Cineaste.

Now available in Turkish translation from our friends at Yort

The New Cinephilia

Girish Shambu (Canisius College)

Expanded second edition.

Cinephilia has recently experienced a powerful resurgence, one enabled by new media technologies of the digital revolution. One strong continuity between today’s “new cinephilia” and the classical cinephilia of the 1950s is the robust sociability which these new technologies have facilitated. Each activity of today’s cinephilic practice – viewing, thinking, reading and writing about films – is marked by an unprecedented amount of social interaction facilitated by the Internet. As with their classical counterparts, the thoughts and writings of today’s cinephiles are born from a vigorous and broad-ranging cinephilic conversation. Further, by dramatically lowering the economic barriers to publication, the Internet has also made possible new hybrid forms and outlets of cinephilic writing that draw freely from scholarly, journalistic and literary models. This book both describes and theorises how and where cinephilia lives and thrives today.

As a cinephile, the Internet is where I find my mediators every day: on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, magazines, journals and other sites. Placing myself in the path of these mediators, these waves of thought and creation and reflection that are swirling around me daily, I am swept up by them. Several times a day they carry me, bounce me, from one image to another, one essay to another, one idea to another, one spark of curiosity to another. But there is more to this experience than simply surfing from one link to another in a state of perpetual motion. How does this movement—this daily proliferation of encounters—power one’s cinephilia? What special affective charge does this experience hold? In other words, how is the experience of the Internet cinephile affectively different from that of a ‘traditional’ cinephile who spends little time online?
— Girish Shambu
Expanded second edition. 5.5 x 7.5 in., 84 pp. Library PDF, ISBN 978-1-927852-25-5. Kindle, $10.

Girish Shambu is Professor of Management at Canisius University in Buffalo, New York. In a dual life, he writes about cinema and is editor of Film Quarterly's online column Quorum. His writings have appeared in the Criterion Collection, Film Quarterly, Framework Journal of Cinema & Media and Film Comment, and he has run a film blog for 20 years.